August 21, 2021  



Growth in online orders


Increase in customer loyalty


Owner Satisfaction

The Problem

Not long ago, Settle Gretel Café was opening their doors to thirsty and hungry patrons for the first time.

As a new venue, there’s always lots to organise; from finalising the menu to ordering and maintaining inventory, staff management, interior furnishings, marketing and much more.

It’s essential in this day and age for a venue like Settle Gretel to have an online reservation and ordering system in place, but it can be overwhelming choosing the right one.

Owners Shannon and Harley Nealon knew they needed to maximise their amazing offering to customers, sooner than later!

The Solution

No venue wants to miss out on potential customers and if there’s a guaranteed way to increase your reach (and revenue), why not take it, right?

For those reasons, and many more, shortly after opening, Settle Gretel partnered with WOWAPPS so they could be assured of easy, hassle-free online reservations and takeaway and/or delivery orders.

They chose WOWAPPS because it offers an all-in-one system that can be tailored to each venue’s individual needs. Unlike other platforms, WOWAPPS is designed to give the venue back control.

With WOWAPPS, Sharon and Harley were able to:

  • Seamlessly integrate orders on their website via Google
  • Directly target customers with special offers to keep them coming back
  • Choose their delivery range
  • Plan more easily for bookings
  • Regain valuable time to utilise elsewhere
  • Save money – WOWAPPS takes ZERO commissions/fees on bookings and orders

“We 100% recommend WOWAPPS. We didn’t have a program before and it is fantastic!”

Sharon Nealon - Owner

Settle Gretel Café


Since making the change, owners Sharon and Harley have noticed increased loyalty as customers can now order, claim rewards and get notified of specials all via the one app.

“The booking diary is also fantastic and so easy to use. “It helps us plan our seating times and avoids us overbooking tables,” Sharon says.

Perhaps most notably is how easily WOWAPPS integrates into existing websites so customers can order online with the click of the button. For many customers (especially since COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns), the ability to receive delivery through a reputable and trusted platform is a game-changer.

Does your venue need a single and simple system to keep costs down but drive sales up?  WOWAPPS – the platform revolutionising the hospitality industry, one venue at a time.

It has worked for real venues like Settle Gretel Café (and countless others). Learn more about what it can do for YOU, here!